Monday, June 06, 2005

pleasure n pain

I wish I could wrap cotton candy around my eyes and see a sweet sugary world, where all is well. Often I tell myself that suffering is normal that it’s the way things are meant to be and then question myself about why do we have smiles in our lives then. Why the pleasure if pain is the reality. Then I remind myself we need the pain to understand and appreciate smiles. One moment of joy can illuminate weeks and make months of suffering disappear in a heartbeat. One true moment of liberation caused by a joyous heart, can wipe away all traces of tears from memories and mind.


Anonymous said...

Life's a roller-coaster, it wouldn't be too much fun if it was a merry go round.

Don't know where I heard that (in a movie I think) but I think that's something to remember.

Anita said...

Now that was a nice quote. But in real life, both give me motion sickness and hence neither is much fun when I am on it. From outside both look equally exciting though.

Anonymous said... is a really isnt fun if both of them are not balances as what they appear..some times..ur days become so very dark that u probably want to go to tht corner and never return..