I was tempted to pick my diary up and just post something that was already there previously but I resisted my errant impulses. What is there in the diary, I already know. The joy of this blog is in me discovering the new words that pop out of my mind and err.. fingers as I sit and type. I never know whats coming next. It’s a game of cops and robbers. I wait and they don’t arrive. I sigh and pause and suddenly then my fingers start flying wildly down the keyboard, trying to outdo my mind.
I have been introspecting extensively lately, when I am not working my back off (That’s the only part of my body that’s getting worked out currently, as I sit in front of the comp all day long. My mind too off course. He he.) I am a little more at peace with myself offlate and apparently that’s showing! I feel better and have been told I look better (Hurray!)
This happens to me in cycles. Though I am so stressed about something things, I have this sense of purpose and calm that tells me this too is something I am meant to deal with. A few days ago I got bold and submitted one of my short-stories to a literary magazine. I don’t care if I get a rejection slip (yeah .. right like I wont sob my hearts out), I am honestly glad that I found to courage to move beyond my block and face rejection if needed. I have been a journalist and writer from long. Now I am a communications specialist. It was time I faced my fears, chased my dreams and checked if I was any good as a fiction writer (No, I don’t write Jackie Collins style romances).
The colour in my mind right now is a bright fresh green. The colour of fresh blooms, of newborn grass, of blossoming optimism.
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